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As you have probably known that you, as a Prime member, can enjoy Kindle First, which is a monthly FREE pre-release book – one of many benefits of Amazon Prime. The Kindle First is yours to keep and can be read on all of your Kindle devices and your other devices using the FREE Kindle Reading Apps
But …
Did you know that you can enjoy a FREEÂ Whispersync for Voice each moth as well? “What does it mean and how can I get it? You might ask. It means that you can download both a Kindle book and its Audible narration absolutely for free each month.
Let me remind you that Whispersync for Voice enables you to switch back and forth between reading (a Kindle book) and listening (an Audible narration also known as audiobook).
Does it sound great? It does. It is great. So, I’ll go ahead and get started with the tutorial on How to download a FREE Whispersync for Voice each month with Amazon Prime:
1. On your internet browser, click on Whispersync for Voice – Free This Month. The September’s title is Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea (see image above).
Please note that you’ll get a different title of the FREE Whispersync for Voice each month.
2. Choose the device that you want the Kindle book be delivered to (see image above).
3. Tap on the Buy now with 1-Click button to download the Kindle book for free (see image above). Your Kindle book will be downloaded immediately to your chosen device.
4. Tap on the add narration link (for a reduced price of $0.00) to download the Audible narration (of the same title as the Kindle book) (see image above).
Please note that you’ll be prompted to the Whispersync for Voice’s page (see image below). You’ll also see a notification that’s saying, “Great news! You already own the Kindle edition. You can add audio for just $0.00”
5. Tap on the Buy with 1-Click $0.00 button to download the Audible narration also known as audiobook for free (see image above). Your audiobook will be downloaded immediately.
Please note that you can listen to the audiobook on your Kindle Fire or the free Audible app on Apple, Android, and Windows devices.
6. Tap on the Continue Shopping button to continue shopping or tap on Cancel Order to cancel the purchase (see image above).
7. Optionally you can go back to the Whispersync for Voice – Free This Month‘s page to make sure that you have purchased both the Kindle book and its Audible narration (see image above).
Please note that you’ll see a notification that’s saying, “Since you own the Kindle book and Audible narration for this title, you can switch back and forth between reading and listening”
Now, enjoy switching back and forth between reading and listening!
Bonus tips:
- Not a Prime member yet? Click here to learn more about Amazon Prime and to start your 30-day Free Trial
- Don’t own a Kindle? Click here to order your Kindle Paperwhite
or click here to order your Kindle Fire HDX 7″
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