How to listen to Audible Channels on your Kindle Fire

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How to listen to Audible Channels on your Kindle Fire

Back in April 2016, I posted a blog post about how to listen to Audible Channels using your Audible app for free as part of Audible Membership‘s benefits. A few months later, on September 13th, Amazon and Audible announced the same benefit for Prime members (US only).

As a Prime member, you get unlimited free access to Audible Channels, including the new short-form digital audio service and a rotating selection of more than 50 audiobooks from Audible’s catalog along with your other Amazon Prime’s benefits.

However, as you might have noticed that up to December 19, 2016 you could only listen to Audible Channels on your iOS, Android and Microsoft’s devices. Get ready, Kindle Fire owners, as from that day on you can also listen to your favorite Audible Channels on your Kindle Fire.


How to listen to Audible Channels on your Kindle Fire

It goes without saying that you’ll be needing your Fire device and your Amazon Prime‘s membership to be able to listen to Audible Channels using the Audible app on your Kindle Fire. Let’s go ahead and start with this simple tutorial, shall we?


How to listen to Audible Channels on your Kindle Fire

1. Tap the Audible app also known as Audiobooks app on your Kindle Fire, and you’ll be prompted with this notification (see image above).

2. Click the “Continue” button to continue claiming your Audible Channels.

3. Swipe up and down to browse all channels (see image below).


How to listen to Audible Channels on your Kindle Fire

4. Tap the arrow next to “Browse All Channels” menu to navigate the channels categories, including the “Prime Exclusives” channels.

5. Browse away and choose your favorite channels.

6. Tap the “Follow” button to follow or unfollow a specific channel (see image below).


How to listen to Audible Channels on your Kindle Fire

7. Tap the triple dots next to each title to view its details or to know how to download an audiobook (see image above).

Please note that as a Prime member, you have Prime-exclusive access to streaming-only audiobooks, chosen from unmatched selection. If you want to download an audiobook, you can start your Audible membership or purchase it individually.


How to listen to Audible Channels on your Kindle Fire

8. Tap the “Following” menu to view the channels that you have followed and to easily access titles that you want to listen to (see image above).

Please note that if you also listen to Audible Channels on your iOS, Android and Microsoft’s devices, your “Following” channels will seamlessly sync across the devices, including your Kindle Fire.


How to access your Audible Channels on your Kindle Fire

Once you have claimed your Audible Channels using your Amazon Prime’s membership on your Kindle Fire, there are two easy and quick ways to access it, including:


How to listen to Audible Channels on your Kindle Fire

1. Tap the Audible (Audiobooks) app, and then tap the Audible Channels icon on the Audiobooks navigation bar (see image above).


How to listen to Audible Channels on your Kindle Fire

2. Tap the left menu of the Audible (Audiobooks) app, and then tap the Audible Channels icon (see image above).


Finally, you are now ready to claim, access and listen to your Audible Channels for free using your Amazon Prime’s membership on all of your devices, including your Kindle Fire.

Bonus tips:

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