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If someone would ask me what Prime membership benefits I love and enjoy the most, then my answer would definitely be Amazon Original Stories, Prime Video, First Reads, Prime Video Channels, Amazon Music Prime, Amazon Photos, and Prime Gaming — by no mean in a particular order.
Thanks to those Prime benefits I have been able to save a lot of money that I would otherwise have spent on magazine subscriptions, ebooks, video, music + podcast, games, photo storage, and other streaming services.
Of course, when you are a Prime member, these are not the only seven benefits that you can enjoy because there are obviously a lot more benefits to enjoy, from Save on Prescriptions, Amazon Kids+, Free Titles at Audible, Amazon Key, Prime Try Before You Buy, to Prime Member Deals at Whole Foods Market and more. I am pretty sure that more and more new Prime benefits will be added in the near future. Check the list of all Prime membership benefits, savings, and other perks down below.
What is not to love about Prime membership? Well, it is a fact that Amazon does not currently allow you to pay or renew your Prime membership using Amazon Gift Card Balance. YES, strike that because is time to rejoice as Amazon has now allowed you to pay and renew your Prime membership using your very own Amazon Gift Card Balance and other payment methods.
The bad news is that Amazon has meanwhile ditched Gift of Prime altogether so you won’t be able to order and gift Prime membership to your loved ones or yourself, anymore. OH well, we obviously can have everything but unfortunately not at the same time.
Alternatives to Prime: Prime Access, SNAP EBT Enrollment, and Prime Student
Before I go any further, please consider the following; what if you simply cannot afford to pay for the regular, full-price Prime membership? Are there more affordable alternatives? Fortunately, there are alternatives as follows:
- Prime Access is a Prime membership for anyone receiving qualifying government assistance with a valid program ID or document to prove eligibility. All Prime Access members enjoy every regular Prime benefit at a discounted rate of $6.99 per month. Click here to join Prime Access.
- SNAP EBT Enrollment: Any Amazon customer who adds their SNAP EBT card, can shop deals and SNAP-eligible groceries. No Prime membership is required. Click here to start your SNAP EBT Enrollment.
- Prime Student is a Prime membership created for college students, which includes a 6-month trial courtesy of Grubhub, and $7.49 per month or $69 per year after your trial ends. Prime Student membership also includes exclusive offers from Student Universe, Calm, Course Hero, Amazon Warehouse, Extra Credit, and many more. Click here to start your 6-month Free Prime Student Trial.
How to choose your Prime membership plan
However, what if you are not in fact eligible for either Prime Access, SNAP EBT Enrollment, or Prime Student and you don’t want to get stuck with the regular, full-price Prime membership yearly plan? Well, you could consider the following options:
- Start your free 30-day Prime trial and cancel before your trial ends so your card and/or your Amazon Gift Card Balance will not automatically be charged. You could then start your free 30-day Prime trial again using another email address and repeat. It is theoretically doable, although I am not sure if it is a sustainable practice in the long run, and if Amazon would actually allow it.
- Opt for a monthly plan of $14,99 instead of a yearly plan of $139 (both plus applicable taxes) so you won’t be stuck with a Prime membership year plan. Then again, paying $139 for a year plan is a better value than if you would pay $14,99 per month for the whole year ($14,99 x 12 = 179,88). Either way, just start your free 30-day Prime trial and make the most out of your Prime membership benefits, and then decide later.
How to make the most out of all Prime membership benefits and other perks
Speaking of making the most out of your Prime membership benefits, how do you do that? Well, by actually using all those benefits and other perks, obviously. And of course, you have to know all of those Prime membership benefits and other perks before you can actually use them ALL.
Below is the list of all Prime membership benefits, savings, and other perks you can start using and enjoy today. This Prime membership list was updated today, August 22, 2023, and will be regularly updated. Enjoy!
And finally, How to pay for Prime membership using your Amazon Gift Card Balance
To be able to pay and renew your Prime membership using your Amazon Gift Card Balance and other payment methods is actually quite straightforward, please follow these easy steps:
Step 1. Go to, sign in with your Amazon account, and click on Manage My Membership.
Step 2. Click on Edit Your Payment Method and then click on Edit Payment Method (see image below).

Step 3. Select your preferred payment method. As you see, you can now pay and renew your Prime membership (plus applicable taxes) using your Amazon Gift Card Balance entirely or in conjunction with your credit or debit card (see the image above arrow 1.). Click the Continue button to finish the process (see the image above arrow 2.).
Please note that if you want to pay and renew your Prime membership using your Amazon Gift Card Balance entirely, make sure that you have sufficient balance to pay for it. You can alternatively reload your Amazon Gift Card Balance with your credit, debit, or pre-paid card.
Please also note that you can always change and update your preferred payment method anytime you want. For example, if you want to change your credit card or debit card payment to Venmo, or the other way around.
If you have any comments or questions about Prime membership, please do not hesitate to leave your comment in the comment section below. Thanks.
Note: By donating you acknowledge that no goods or services are purchased with your donation and donations are non-refundable. Thank you.
Bonus tips:
- Click here to start your 30-Day Free Prime Trial, Prime Access, SNAP EBT Enrollment, or Prime Student from (US).
- Click here to start your 30-Day Free Prime Trial or 6-Month Prime Student trial from (UK).
- Klicken Sie hier um Ihre 30-Tage Prime Gratiszeitraum, 6-Monate Prime Student oder Prime Sozialpass zu starten von (Deutschland).
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30 Responses
Mark Haugen
i wanted to know if it is advisable to purchase the gift of prime now and wait to use it in the next 18 days.
Lia Belle
Of course, you can purchase the gift of prime now and use it in the next 18 days. Just make sure to remember when your (current) membership is going to end and follow the steps. Good luck.
Mark Haugen
This is the error message i get when i tried purchasing the gift of prime for one year: Amazon Prime (One Year Membership) is not available for you to purchase because you have selected an ineligible payment method. Please delete the item to continue
Mark Haugen
I have enough gift balance to take care of the total amount but i still get this error: Amazon Prime (One Year Membership) is not available for you to purchase because you have selected an ineligible payment method. Please delete the item to continue .
Please what can i do?
Lia Belle
It’s a common issue so I’ll copy-paste my reply to another reader who experienced the same issue with this error message, “Amazon Prime (XX Membership) is not available for you to purchase because you have selected an ineligible payment method. Please delete the item to continue” for you, and you should try the followings:
a. Make sure that you have your credit or debit card on file. Note that Amazon will charge your gift card first, and then your credit card (if necessary) for ALL purchases.
b. Close your browser window of that important error message page above, and go back to your Cart page. Your Gift of Prime should be there. If not, then go back to the Gift of Prime page, select 3 months or 12 months, and click the Add Prime to Cart button.
c. Follow step 3 of this blog post. Do not change your payment method (read step 5 thoroughly), otherwise, you’ll get the same error message above.
I hope, it will help. Thanks.
Peter Schindler
Thank you for your article. I’ve followed your steps exactly and yet, when I want to “check-out”, I get this message: “Amazon Prime (3 Month Membership) is not available for you to purchase because you have selected an ineligible payment method. Please delete the item to continue”. The 3-month prime member ship is USD38.97; my gift card balance is far higher than this.
I’ve tried the 12-month as well; same result. And I’ve tried both with with “30-Day Free Prime Trial” and without.
Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!
Lia Belle
Hello Peter, thanks for your question, and please refer to updated and simplified steps 3 – 5 of this blog post. Let me know if you need some further supports. Thank you.
Dear Lia, thanks for your reply, but no luck…I would like to send you the screen prints, but don’t think am able to do this here…
You can email me privately if you have, if you like. Would very much appreciate the help.
Lia Belle
Assuming that you get this important error message, “Amazon Prime (XX Membership) is not available for you to purchase because you have selected an ineligible payment method. Please delete the item to continue” after you changed the payment method? In this case, then you should try the followings:
a. Make sure that you have your credit or debit card on file. Note that Amazon will charge your gift card first, and then your credit card (if necessary) for ALL purchases.
b. Close your browser window of that important error message page above, and go back to your Cart page. Your Gift of Prime should be there. If not, then go back to the Gift of Prime page, select 3 months or 12 months, and click the Add Prime to Cart button.
c. Follow step 3 of this blog post. Do not change your payment method (read step 5 thoroughly), otherwise, you’ll get the same error message above.
I hope, it will help. Thanks.
Thank you for your advice; I will try.
I have applied for gift of prime for myself to start 12/12, My current membership is set to renew on 12/13, If I cancel my current membership on 12/12, what will happen to my remaining gift cards?
Dr. Disney Wizard
My Prime Plan is Monthly $5.99, a SNAP/SSI benefit discount rate. Using this method I loose the discount rate and pay regular full price. Just a note of warning. I’m delighted that a pint of blood donated to the American Red Cross resulted in a choice of $10 gift cards, which I choose Amazon, and the recent Entercom Radio win
Yours is a brilliant solution for rack rate membership with your Amazon Gifts.
My prime expire today9/13.and i just redeemed my gift of prime yesterday9/12.and why i see one transaction activity added on my balance today. It look like i just redeem Amazon gift card .do you know why that happen? Thank you
Lia Belle
It sounds like that you didn’t actually redeem it but added it back to your balance because yesterday (9/12) you were still a “normal” Prime Member. You simply cannot redeem it when you’re still a member. If you had waited until it really ended today (9/13) then you would have been able to really redeem it as your own Prime Gift member. Please refer to my updates down below the post and comments, which also explain why this happens.
Thanks for this great advice. I’m still slightly confused. I received the email that I have my new gift of prime today 2/6/19. My membership expires in 2/7/19, tomorrow. Should I cancel my membership today so it doesn’t automatically charge my credit card? Then I can renew tomorrow when membership ends? I’m just not sure what time my old membership ends and don’t want them to charge my credit card instead use my gift to myself membership with my amazon gift card. Thanks so much. I feel like an amazon dummy! Leslie
Lia Belle
To prevent your credit card from getting charged, you can cancel your regular (*regular means credit/debit card) Prime membership today 2/6/2019. Keep in mind that you won’t be getting any refund for those remaining hours of your membership (until 2/7/2019). And then, you can redeem your Gift Prime membership right after your have cancelled your regular membership.
Good luck and don’t hesitate to contact me again if you require further info.
Will all of my albums, songs and movies be lost if I cancel my Prime membership to pay with my gift card?
Lia Belle
I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Your albums, songs, and movies that you paid for will never be lost if/when you cancel your Prime membership.
You borrowed content using Prime will, however, be lost (well, because they are obviously not yours, to begin with), but you will, of course, be able to borrow those content back as soon as your Prime (Gift) Member has been activated. Hope, it’ll help.
This is a great post. I’m looking to do exactly this. My question is about your purchase history, shopping cart, etc. Will they be the same if I cancel and renew with the gift card?
Lia Belle
Nothing is going to change after canceling and renewing it with the Gift of Prime. However, please bear in mind that ebooks and/or magazines you borrowed using Prime Reading (included with Prime membership) will be automatically be returned when you canceled.
Obviously, you could borrow the same ebooks and/or magazines if they are still available with Prime Reading when you’re back being a Prime (Gift) member.
Thank you for the tips!
Craig Reilly
My Prime expires tomorrow and is set for No Renewal. I purchased the gift of prime last week. The Gift email came in this morning – 1 day before expiration. I tried to apply the “Gift of Prime” and the only option is to convert to a Gift Card. Perhaps they have figured this trick out?
Lia Belle
Your Prime expires tomorrow means that you’re now still a member — that’s why your only option is to convert it to a Gift Card. Just ignore it and apply your “Gift of Prime” tomorrow – right after your Prime is expired. Good luck and let me know how it works out for you.
I only have 3 days remaining on my Prime membership, and I’ve cancelled the renewal, but when I try to redeem my gift membership, it keeps telling me I already have Prime and trying to force me to redeem the Prime gift for a $99 gift card. There is no option to decline the gift card and continue. Am I going to have to wait until my membership completely ends?
Lia Belle
It sounds familiar. It’s okay to decline the offered Amazon Gift Card of $99, and if you don’t see any option to declain or if you don’t see a decline-button to do so, just click the Amazon homepage to continue shopping on Amazon.
You will have to wait 3 days until you can redeem your own Gift of Prime. Please read my “Update 3” of this blog post for further reading.
I hope it helps. Let me know if you have any other question. Have a great day!
I used your info to gift prime to myself…I got the information on the purchase… But not the email for the gift of prime so I have no way to accept the gift of prime. Please help
Lia Belle
Hi, there. I understood that you haven’t received an email from Amazon Prime with details for your Gift of Prime?
I would recommend the followings:
1. On Amazon, go to “Your Orders”
2. Go to “View order details” and then on “Purchase details” check if it indicates “Delivered” or not, and check if the “Recipient’s email” contains your correct (not misspelled) email address or not.
Let me know if it helps. Thanks!
Marcia Russell
If you end your membership to activate the Gift Of Prime, will all your info be lost? We have photos on Prime plus LOTS of other content. Will all that be lost?
Lia Belle
Hi, thanks for you question. Assuming that you are a regular Prime member (paid for with your credit/debit card) and you want to buy the Gift of Prime for yourself, correct?! My answers:
1. Your info on your account such as your addresses, your payment methodes, etc will not be lost. They are saved on your account and will not be affected at all – unless you make some changes yourself.
2. Your content including photos will not be lost. Let me remind you that all of your content that you have paid for or got for free on “Manage Your Content and Devices” are yours to keep. In addition, all Amazon customers get 5GB free space (Amazon Drive) for photos and other content whether they are Prime members or not.
The only logical disruption that you will experience during the transition (from ending your regular Prime membership to activating your Gift of Prime) is that you will have no access to Prime Music, Prime Video and other Prime benefits. Those benefits will be resumed as soon as you have activated your Gift of Prime.
Just make sure that you have received your Gift of Prime in your email-inbox BEFORE you end your regular Prime membership. The activation itself takes only a few seconds to complete.
Good luck and please don’t hesitate to contact me again.
I am a regular Prime member (paid for with my credit/debit card) and I want to buy the Gift of Prime for myself. When I cancel my current membership and activate Gift of Prime will my gift card balance remain the same? Thank you for confirming.